Reports and Research

Colorado Chamber Business Surveys and Reports

The Colorado Chamber routinely polls the business community on key issues. The Chamber also releases reports and studies on issues relevant to the business community. These reports and surveys can be found below. For up-to-date statistics and rankings about Colorado’s economy, visit the Colorado Chamber’s Scorecard.

Vision 2033: Blueprint for Colorado’s Future

Vision 2033 is the Colorado Chamber’s 10-year strategic action plan to foster long-term economic growth and resiliency. The plan lays out a blueprint for Colorado’s economy, determining key areas of focus and specific recommendations to create opportunity for all Coloradans. 

2024 Regulation Impact Analysis Report

Comprehensive study on the state’s regulatory climate and impact on the economy reveals Colorado is the sixth most regulated state in the nation with 45% of its nearly 200,000 regulations being excessive or duplicative.

Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action Task Force Report

The Colorado Chamber’s Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action Task Force released a policy report laying out key recommendations and collective actions that can be taken at the state level to reach environmental goals and reduce emissions.

Analysis of the Impact of Removing the Colorado Noneconomic Damage Caps

Report assessing the impact of removing noneconomic damage caps in Colorado estimates that removing such caps would result in a $2.1 billion annual loss in state GDP and 15,500 jobs.

Education to Employment Alliance Report

Report released by the Education to Employment Alliance highlights the critical workforce challenges faced by Colorado employers and outlines five key recommendations to address these challenges.

2023 Colorado Chamber Business Survey

The Colorado Chamber’s annual survey of 156 business leaders highlights key economic and policy issues impacting the statewide business community, with findings showing that regulatory burdens are driving businesses out of Colorado.


Colorado Competitive Landscape Report: 2022 Sentiment and 2023 Outlook

Report on Colorado’s competitive economic landscape and outlook assesses the state’s overall business climate and the factors impacting company decisions to expand or contract operations in Colorado.

2022 Colorado Business Survey

The Colorado Chamber’s first annual 2022 Business Leaders Survey highlights the economic outlook and top concerns facing businesses in Colorado.

Quarterly Job Market Reports

The Colorado Chamber of Commerce partners with Aspen Technology Labs every quarter to release a Colorado Job Market Report that provides insights into job vacancies and workforce trends across the state.

2024 Jobs Report 4th Quarter

Colorado job vacancies decline while salaries increase in the fourth quarter of 2024. 

2024 Jobs Report 3rd Quarter

The Colorado job market data holds steady in the third quarter indicating continued stability.

2024 Jobs Report 2nd Quarter

The Colorado job market remains relatively steady in the second quarter of 2024.

2024 Jobs Report 1st Quarter

Colorado job vacancies see stability in the first quarter of 2024.

2023 Jobs Report 4th Quarter

Colorado ranks 10th in the nation for the highest number of job vacancies per capita.

2023 Jobs Report 3rd Quarter

Colorado job vacancies and salaries hold steady after a significant decline in the previous quarter.

2023 Jobs Report 2nd Quarter

Colorado job vacancies see a significant drop in the second quarter of 2023.

2023 Jobs Report 1st Quarter

New quarterly jobs report highlights stability in Colorado’s job vacancies in first quarter of 2023.