Job Killers of the 2024 Legislative Session

The 2024 legislative session has seen an alarming influx in job-killing bills. These proposals together would deliver a significant blow to Colorado’s economy, creating new costs that will drive jobs out of state. From overreaching environmental bills with effects that would span across industries to complex new regulations that move the goal posts for business, Colorado’s competitiveness is at stake. It’s critical that these bills are soundly defeated or the job-killing provisions are removed.
Moving the Goal Posts on Emissions – Again! (HB 1339)
Businesses need predictability to operate effectively, and this bill reverses years-worth of regulations that were recently finalized. This will be costly not only for taxpayers, but also for businesses trying to comply with Colorado's complex and ever-changing environmental laws.
Seasonal Oil & Gas Ban (SB 165)
Imposes a seasonal ban on oil and gas development from June through August annually.
Disrupts Health Care Industry Jobs (HB 1075)
Creates model legislation for a single-payer health care system in Colorado, which would disrupt the entire industry, costing the state billions of dollars and disrupting jobs.
Costly New Regulatory Burdens (SB 166)
Creates complex and severe enforcement regulations on a broad range of businesses, from manufacturers to hospitals to hotels. This will force businesses to reduce operations, lay off workers, or shut down altogether.
More Red Tape for Business (HB 1330)
Adds layers of new complex regulations to obtain environmental and construction permits, intentionally creating costly barriers to industry. It creates red tape that will deter economic growth, driving companies (and jobs) out of Colorado.
Economic Blow to Tourism Communities (SB 33)
Imposes heavy property tax increases on short term rental owners, devastating small businesses and property owners in mountain resort communities.
Strains Construction Labor Market (HB 1008)
Threatens jobs in the construction labor market by putting general contractors on the hook for the actions of independent subcontractors. The bill rewards bad behavior, harming the workers it intends to help.
Oil & Gas Ban (SB 159)
Imposes a complete ban on all new oil and gas development across the state, upending the entire industry in Colorado.
Action Center
Bills are moving quickly through the state legislature and lawmakers need to hear from you! See the Chamber’s latest action alerts on job-killing bills below:
Read the Chamber's End-of-Session Statement
The Colorado Chamber of Commerce celebrated the victories for business achieved with the conclusion of the 2024 legislative session. The Chamber played a key role in the defeat all 8 Job Killers in front of the state legislature and was instrumental in the passage of proactive legislation aimed at improving Colorado’s economy.
Testify on a Bill
Direct testimony on legislation is one of the most effective ways you can make an impact. Testimony can be given in person at the State Capitol or remotely via video conference. The 2024 Legislative Session is over, but if you are interested in being on the Chamber’s list for future legislation, please contact Chamber staff by clicking below: