Employers are feeling much better about finding employees since 2022, the era of rampant labor shortages. According to a Colorado Chamber of Commerce survey of 169 employers, only 29% plan to increase their workforce this year, compared with 58% in 2022. That may not be great news for workers hoping to easily switch gigs. The […]
Denver 7: Colorado lawmakers advance bill that would ease process for forming labor unions
Colorado lawmakers voted 4-3 last week to advance legislation that would make it easier for workers to form strong unions. A group of Democrats are proposing getting rid of a decades-old requirement they say is standing in the way of progress for the state’s working class. But opponents say their proposal will disrupt a model […]
Denver 7: Colorado lawmakers propose new wage theft bill after 2024 bill vetoed by governor
Colorado lawmakers are once again looking to crack down on wage theft. Lawmakers on Thursday held a hearing on House Bill 25-1001, which aims to help employees and punish employers who don’t pay their workers. … The Colorado Chamber of Commerce said it was seeking to have the bill amended. “We are in an amend […]
Fox 31: Looking for a job change? These saw the most growth and decline in 2024
Coloradans wanting a job change may want to check these numbers before making a decision. Colorado’s job market saw an overall decline last year with fewer vacancies and a relatively small salary increase compared to other states, but several industries saw noticeably more dramatic changes. The Colorado Chamber of Commerce’s quarterly report with Aspen Technology […]
Independence Institute: Course Correction Needed for Colorado’s Economic Outlook
The University of Colorado’s Leeds School of Business recently released their 60th annual Business Outlook for 2025, and, despite a moderate outlook in 2025, the report includes some disturbing trends in the Colorado economy. Let’s take a look at some of what’s going wrong. … Even more recently, the Colorado Chamber of Commerce ranked Colorado as the sixth most […]
Fox 31: Report: Colorado lags behind most states in 2024 salary increases
Colorado saw a significant bump in salary increases in 2024 compared to 2023, but that increase was still less than most other states, according to a year-end report from the Colorado Chamber of Commerce. On Monday, the Colorado Chamber of Commerce and Aspen Technology Labs released their Quarter 4 report on jobs, salaries and market […]
Colorado Sun: Colorado’s unemployment rate rises to 4.4%, the highest in three years
Colorado’s unemployment rate rose to 4.4% last month, up one-tenth of a percentage point and the highest in three years. At the same time, there are fewer job openings and fewer people filing to start a new business. … Cynthia Eveleth-Havens, a spokesperson for the Colorado Chamber of Commerce, said that it’s still a challenge […]
Denver Post: Colorado lawmakers target apartment “junk fees,” proposing to ban some and require transparency
Landlords and businesses would be required to advertise the full price of their services — including the cost of various hidden fees — under new legislation introduced in the Colorado House that’s part of a suite of measures backed by legislative Democrats seeking to curb costs in the state. Lawmakers formally unveiled House Bill 1090 […]
Denver Gazette: Colorado unemployment rises to 4.4%, but state of job market murky due to data issues
Colorado’s unemployment rate rose to 4.4% in December, according to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, up from 4.3% the month before. The state’s unemployment rate is more than a full percentage point from the same time last year. It’s higher than the national average, which fell to 4.1%. … Colorado saw job openings […]