From left to right: Congressman Ken Buck, Senator John Hickenlooper, Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen, Congresswoman Yadira Caraveo, Congressman Joe Neguse, Congressman Jason Crow.
For media inquiries, please contact Cynthia Eveleth-Havens at [email protected].
DENVER – The Colorado Chamber today held its sixth biennial congressional luncheon, bringing together members of Colorado’s federal delegation to discuss federal policy issues relevant to the state business community. U.S. Senator John. Hickenlooper and Reps. Ken Buck, Yadira Caraveo, Jason Crow, Joe Neguse, and Brittany Pettersen participated in the panel.
The panelists covered a range of issues including bipartisanship and finding common ground, the debt ceiling, the conflict in Ukraine, and the federal government’s role in housing and workforce issues.
“I am honored to be part of this important event organized by the Colorado Chamber of Commerce,” said Congressman Ken Buck. “As lawmakers, it is our duty to engage in constructive conversations that drive effective solutions for the challenges facing our business community. By fostering a bipartisan dialogue, we can identify common ground and develop innovative approaches to strengthen our economy, create new job opportunities, and ensure that Colorado remains a hub of innovation.”
“Our state has always had this rich legacy of having public servants who reach across party line,” Congressman Neguse said. He used a recent example of several members of Colorado’s delegation together on a plane when the IRS made an announcement that the state’s TABOR refunds could be considered taxable income. They collaborated on the flight and ultimately wrote a letter to the U.S. Treasury Secretary on the issue.
One major topic of discussion was the recent deal approved by Congress to raise the federal government’s borrowing limit and the potential for a government shutdown in the future.
“This country was so far behind on infrastructure investments, investing in climate change and putting money into research,” Sen. Hickenlooper said. “If there is a government shutdown, the harm that it will do – not just to the country, but to our debt – will be immeasurable… We’ve got great challenges, but we have the resources and we have the collaborative ability to fix them.”
“In our term, it seems like every other day we’re doing something that historically has not been the way that Congress acts,” Congresswoman Caraveo said. “We saw that with the debt ceiling – we came to the brink of not paying our debts, which is something that every American is required to do. When we talk about the debt ceiling and the potential for a government shutdown, what we really need to think about is how it’s going to impact everyday Americans.”
The panel was also asked about their position on the ongoing U.S. involvement in Ukraine and where the lawmakers stand on continued financial support.
“The reason why it’s essential that we are strong in Ukraine is the world we want to build,” Congresswoman Pettersen said. “We have lived in a peaceful time because of our global presence, and right now, that is at risk. We know that China is watching this very closely because they have pledged that they are going to go to Taiwan. We know that Iran is watching this very closely because they have pledged that they will not only destroy Israel – they also want to destroy the U.S… We are at a critical moment, there is a lot at stake, and this is all interconnected.”
“Colorado stands strong with Ukraine,” said Congressman Crow. “It’s been said that Vladimir Putin believes he can outlast the West – we have and will continue to prove him wrong. The U.S. commitment to Ukraine’s freedom, democracy and security will not waver.”
Congressman Crow also emphasized the need for intelligence support, training for Ukrainians, and security guarantees moving forward.
“It’s not often that our congressional delegation comes together on the same stage to discuss politics and policy in a bipartisan forum like this,” Colorado Chamber President and CEO Loren Furman said. “The political scene in Washington these days can seem hyper-partisan and disjointed, but Colorado’s delegation is a bright spot in the chaos. Their strong reputation for putting party aside to get results for our state has stood the test of time, and we’re proud to bring them together for this special Chamber event.”
The Colorado Chamber of Commerce champions free enterprise, a healthy business environment and economic prosperity for all Coloradans. It is the only business association that works to improve the business climate for all sizes of business from a statewide, multi-industry perspective. What the Colorado Chamber accomplishes is good for all businesses, and that’s good for the state’s economy. It was created in 1965 based on the merger with the Colorado Manufacturers’ Association.