Colorado Capitol Report

House Minority Leader DelGrosso Meets with CACI Board of Directors

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State Policy News

House Minority Leader DelGrosso Meets with CACI Board of Directors

DelGrosso at council

From left to right, Travis Webb, CACI Board Chair and Managing Partner, BKD CPS and Advisors LLP; Representative DelGrosso; CACI President Chuck Berry; and Loren Furman, CACI Senior Vice President, State and Federal Relations.

Yesterday, House Minority Leader Brian DelGrosso (R-Loveland) met with the CACI Board of Directors to discuss business issues in the 2016 legislative session.  Representative DelGrosso addressed such topics as transportation funding, legislative elections in a contentious national and state political season; education and workforce development; and regulation of businesses, especially small businesses.

CACI Launches Third EXECs Class

execs 2016 kickoff1


On Wednesday, CACI launched  its third year of the EXECs Advocacy Program, which is a CACI program for rising, mid-career executive business leaders interested in shaping public policy and strengthening the Colorado business climate

The nine-month EXECs program offers participants exclusive insight into the workings of prominent Colorado companies and the interplay of public policy through business tours and policy-based forums with key business executives and elected officials.

Participants learn about policy issues affecting their businesses and communities while developing a working knowledge of public-policy advocacy.

EXECs’ tours include  fascinating, “insider” looks at companies while integrating policy issues focused around such state-and-federal topics as health-care, labor, taxes, energy, environment and civil justice.  CACI staffers, key state legislators and Congressional staffers may be brought in for specific expertise. Here is the 2016 class roster.

For information about EXECs, contact Lalitha Christian, EXECs Program Manager, at 303.866.9635.

CACI Helps Junior Achievement’s “Stock Market Challenge”

From left to right, Shawna Mounsey, Vice President of Special Events, Junior Achievement; Brian McDonald, Senior Vice President, Client Service & Support, Stock Plan Services and Compliance Solutions, Charles Schwab,; and Lalitha Christian, CACI Business Partnerships Coordinator and EXECs Program Manager.

From left to right, Shawna Mounsey, Vice President of Special Events, Junior Achievement; Brian McDonald, Senior Vice President, Client Service & Support, Stock Plan Services and Compliance Solutions, Charles Schwab,; and Lalitha Christian, CACI Business Partnerships Coordinator and EXECs Program Manager.

On Wednesday, February 10th, and Thursday,. February 11th, two CACI staff members participated in Junior Achievement’s Stock Market Challenge hosted by Charles Schwab at its Lone Tree campus.

Here’s how Junior Achievement (JA) describes the program:

“The JA Stock Market Challenge is a live stock market simulation game, featuring teams of high school students who compete to see who can grow their initial $500,000 investment into the largest net worth “mock” stock portfolio.  Students will apply what they have learned in the JA Take Stock in Your Future classroom lessons about individual equities, the impact of the economy, geopolitical events, and market sentiment, all against the backdrop of competing with their peers.  The challenge offers a taste of what it’s like to build a portfolio, manage risk, and experience its performance in a compressed period of time.”

Tricia Smith, CACI Senior Vice President, Events and Political Fundraising, and Lalitha Christian, CACI Business Partnerships Coordinator and EXECs Program Manager, assisted JA in the Stock Market Challenge.

Charles Schwab and JA are CACI members.  CACI thanks Charles Schwab and JA for allowing Tricia and Lalitha to be a part of this important event for students.