
The Colorado Chamber Files Comments in Support of the EPA’s Proposed “Waters of the U.S.” Rule

For media inquiries, please contact Cynthia Meyer at [email protected]. DENVER – The Colorado Chamber of Commerce today submitted comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) in support of its revised definition of “Waters of the U.S.” (WoTUS) in the Clean Water Act. The Colorado Chamber previously opposed the original 2015 WoTUS rule, arguing that […]

What They Are Saying: The FAMLI Act is Bad for Businesses and Workers

For media inquiries, please contact Cynthia Meyer at [email protected]. DENVER – The Colorado Chamber of Commerce is part of a coalition of public and private sector organizations that are voicing their concerns with Senate Bill 188, the Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) Act, which recently passed the Senate Finance Committee. The legislation creates a […]

Amended FAMLI Bill Still Costly, Restrictive for Employers and Employees

For media inquiries, contact Cynthia Meyer at [email protected]. DENVER – In response to Senate Bill 188 being amended and passed out of the Senate Finance Committee today, Senior Vice President of State and Federal Relations Loren Furman released the following statement: “While we appreciate the efforts by the bill’s sponsors to improve upon this legislation, […]

New Report Highlights Financial Risks of the FAMLI Bill

A new report released today by the REMI Partnership, which includes the Colorado Association of REALTORS, the Colorado Bankers Association, Colorado Concern, Common Sense Policy Roundtable, and the Denver South Economic Development Partnership, analyzes the cost and risk of financial insolvency for Senate Bill 188, the paid family leave bill. Highlights of the report are […]

House Bill Would Increase Penalty on Employers for “Wage Theft”

A House committee has approved a bill to increase the penalty to a felony for employers who commit “wage theft.” The bill, HB-1267, is sponsored in the House by Representative Jonathan Singer (D-Longmont) and Representative Meg Froelich (D-Greenwood Village). The bill, “The Human Right to Work with Dignity Act,” was approved, following the addition of […]

Colorado Chamber-Opposed Oil and Gas Bill Passed by House

The arguably most important bill of the 2019 legislative session-one that will likely drastically affect a significant sector of the state’s economy, jobs and tax revenue-was given final approval on a recorded Third Reading vote this morning by the Colorado House of Representatives. The vote follows a lengthy, almost six-hour Second Reading debate on the […]

Statement by Chuck Berry on SB 181 Debate in the House of Representatives

For media inquiries, please contact [email protected].  DENVER – The Colorado Chamber of Commerce released the following statement from Chamber President Chuck Berry on Senate Bill 181, the oil and gas bill up for debate in the Colorado House of Representatives today: “We are fortunate to have such abundant natural resources in Colorado, and we’re grateful […]

Colorado Chamber Supports Sales Tax Simplification Bill

Yesterday, the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee passed House Bill 1240 by Rep. Tracy Kraft Tharp, Rep. Kevin Van Winkle, Sen. Lois Court, and Sen. Jack Tate. This bill stems from the Wayfair decision from the U.S. Supreme Court last year, which determined that states may charge sales tax on purchases made from out-of-state […]