March 27, 2014

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The Voice of Colorado Manufacturers

Update: Legislation Important to Colorado Manufacturers:

Click here for full analysis and status of the following bills:


Senate Bill 4 – signed into law by Governor Hickenlooper on Feb 27th, permits the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education to establish technical, career, and workforce development bachelor of applied science degree programs at state-supported community colleges.


House Bill 1013 – in Appropriations – would create the Advanced Industries Workforce Development Program in the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade.


House Bill 1085 – in Appropriations – would create an adult education and literacy grant program in the Adult Education Office at the Colorado Department of Education.


House Bill 1012 – in Appropriations – would repeal the Colorado Innovation Investment Income Tax Credit and replaces it with the Advanced Industry Investment Income Tax Credit.


House Bill 1040 – Killed Mar 5th – would have established two new unclassified petty offenses and fine penalties related to defrauding a drug test.

Employees Find & Prevent Fraud in a Manufacturing

Jerry Laflen, BKD

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners report thatapproximately 10 percent of reported fraud cases occurred in manufacturing, with a median loss of $200,000.  Among the most common reported cases were corruption, billing, noncash and expense reimbursement.

The ACFE reports that tips are the No. 1 method of fraud detection, and the majority of tips come from employees. 

Teaching employees what to watch for is important. ACFE says in the 2012 Report to the Nations, “… our research shows organizations that have anti-fraud training programs for employees, managers and executives experience lower losses and shorter frauds than organizations without such programs in place.”

Many believe the implementation of an ethics hotline is the single most cost-effective strategy an organization can implement to promote appropriate “tone at the top,” and to proactively work to reduce penalties for noncompliance with laws and regulations.

BKD is hosting a free webinar on Thursday, April 10, at 1 p.m. Mountain time to discuss fraud prevention strategies and explain the importance of an ethics hotline.  For more information on this event, or to register, visit

Jerry Laflen, is a Partner, BKD, a trusted CMI underwriter.,(303) 861-4545.

This information was written by qualified, experienced BKD professionals, but applying specific information to your situation requires careful consideration of facts and circumstances.  Consult your BKD advisor before acting on any matter covered here. Article reprinted with permission from BKD, LLP,  All rights reserved.

Manufacturing HR Roundtable
Dave Tabor, The Colorado Chamber Sr. VP, Business Partnerships
Stacey Campell, Shareholder at Littler, presents an update on Labor & Employment legislation.


March 13th at The Colorado Chamber:
1) Barb Snyder, (center) Sparton Corporation – Successful practices for manufacturers to mitigate labor and employment risk through effective HR administrative policies and practices.
2) Stacey Campbell (standing), Littler; Chair of the The Colorado Chamber Labor & Employment Council – HR legislative update and the relevance of legislation to Colorado manufacturers.
3) Susan Meader (left), Mountain States Employers Council – Engaging Manufacturing Employees – Management Practices that Work.
In This Issue
Manufacturing Legislation
Fraud – How to Easily Discover
HR Roundtable held
Upcoming CMI Events
April 9th,
11-1pm, Second Quarter MLG Meeting at Ball’s Golden Plant.  Manufacturing Leaders Group members, Register.
June 9th – hold the date. The Colorado Chamber Federal Affairs at Carestream Health, a Colorado Manufacturer. Joined by key staffers of Congressman Gardner and Senator Udall.
Thanks to our sponsors!
Colorado Association of Commerce & Industry
1600 Broadway, Suite 1000
Denver, Colorado 80202
[email protected]