
CACI Members Invited to October 28th Breakfast Meeting on Brazilian Economy & U.S.-Brazilian Trade

Location: World Trade Center

Address: 2650 East 40th Avenue, Denver, CO, 80205

CACI members interested in trade with Brazil are invited to attend a breakfast meeting with business leaders from this important South American nation on Wednesday, October 28th, at the World Trade Center Denver.  The delegation will include businessmen from such industries as manufacturing, mining, clothing, food processing and construction.

Here’s a description of the breakfast meeting:

What’s Next for Brazil?

After years of stunning growth, Brazil’s economy is now in recession.  How long will it last?  What do the current challenges mean for long term partnership and opportunity? What opportunities are emerging in the changing landscape?
Denver-based US-Brazil Connect is hosting a delegation from Brazil’s most influential business-and-industry association, the Brazilian Confederation of Industry, and the business-and-industry association of the State of Rondônia, Brazil.
The World Trade Center Denver, US-Brazil Connect, CACI and the Biennial of the Americas, invite you to join in an exciting discussion and networking plus breakfast, on October 28!

Registration cost is $25 for non-members of the WTC Denver and $15 for members.

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