
2024 Biennial Election & Awards Reception

Location: Hotel Clio, Denver Cherry Creek

Address: 150 Clayton Lane, Denver, CO 80206

Fees/Admission: Registration is closed.

Colorado Chamber Biennial Election & Awards Reception, designed to bring together the Colorado business community, legislative candidates who have received the coveted Colorado Chamber endorsement, and officials from across the state to celebrate and promote candidates who will support the interests of businesses and help ensure that Colorado will be the best State for business! This is an opportunity to meet the next state leaders to serve in the Legislature that the Colorado Chamber has endorsed in the 2024 Primary and General Election.

Legislators are recognized as a MVP for their valuable work during the legislative session showing strong leadership in their advocacy for the business community, collaborated with the Colorado Chamber to ensure that Colorado’s economic competitiveness did not further deteriorate and took hard votes in defense of business.

This reception is our premier political fundraising event. You do not want to miss it!


Photos by Evan Semón Photography

No refunds are provide once the venue contract deadline has passed.

Contributing Sponsor

  • Boeing Logo 091314
  • Copic_Logo_RGB (for digital)
  • Preferred LOGO 9.11.2023

Proponent Sponsor

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