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Jordan Keller is a Business Development Analyst who works with business development, capture and proposal teams across Lockheed Marin Space to help individuals understand and follow established processes to help capture good new business for enterprise.
Jordan knows the key to capturing good new business is establishing trusting relationships with customers (internal and external) and the early bird gets the worm. There is more to winning new business than just responding to an opportunity and helping people understand the how and why the art of capture is so important.
Jordan has worked in manufacturing, outdoor advertising, and aerospace and has helped win and manage projects with Denver’s Regional Transportation District, Amtrak, and Burlington Northern Santa Fe. She has also helped win programs with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the recently awarded Global Positioning System (GPS) III Follow-on contract with the U.S. Air Force.
Jordan is Shipley trained in business development, capture and proposal management and has received multiple awards for her contributions and leadership within Lockheed Martin.
Jordan holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from the University of Phoenix.