The Colorado Chamber has a reputation as being the statewide leader in unifying the business community and making effective change at both the legislature and regulatory agencies. With the legislative and regulatory environments constantly changing, there are many issue-specific efforts that the Chamber engages in to ensure the voice of business is heard.
That’s where the Chamber’s coalitions come into play. These strategy groups dive deep into a specific issue, proposal, bill, or program that has a direct impact on employers across Colorado. Members who join a coalition are immersed in the latest updates and have the opportunity to participate in strategy sessions, get involved through testimony or public comments, collaborate on messaging, and more.
Coalitions are one of the Chamber’s most effective tools to get results for business. Learn more about each Coalition and how to join below.
Air Toxics Coalition
Lawmakers in the 2022 legislative session introduced House Bill 1244, regarding toxic air contaminants. The bill creates a new one-size-fits-all air emissions program that could have a sweeping effect on businesses with industrial or manufacturing operations in Colorado. HB 1244 disregards the many rules and programs established by Colorado lawmakers, CDPHE, the PUC, the EPA, and other agencies.
The Colorado Chamber has organized a coalition in opposition to the bill to coordinate legislative strategy and communication with key lawmakers.
Data Privacy Coalition
In 2021, the legislature passed SB 190, the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA). This comprehensive data privacy bill has been the subject of rulemaking and implementation, and it will go into effect on July 1, 2023. Between now and when the bill takes effect, the Colorado Attorney General’s Office will be developing rules and accepting input from the public.
The Colorado Chamber created a Data Privacy Coalition when this proposal was in the legislative stage to ensure that the business community has a voice in this major overhaul of how the state regulates consumer privacy. The Coalition is now heavily involved in the rulemaking phase of the CPA, forming working groups and developing comments to navigate the interests of Chamber members. Learn more about how the CPA could impact your company here.
Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Coalition
Colorado’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund (UITF) was fully depleted in the height of the pandemic when state and local governments forced businesses to close for months, triggering thousands of UI claims. Because of this and other factors, Colorado employers face an estimated $5.3 billion in additional state and federal unemployment payroll taxes through 2027.
The Colorado Chamber is leading a coalition of more than 75 businesses and organizations asking state leaders to take action. In the 2022 legislative session, the coalition is seeking at least $600 million in relief to reduce the tax burden on businesses, foster economic recovery, and preserve jobs.
Workplace Harassment Coalition
In the 2021 legislative session, lawmakers filed SB 176, which would have overhauled the way Colorado handles harassment cases in the public and private sectors. The bill created overly broad definitions and untested legal definitions, raising serious concerns for employers. It also created excessive punitive fines that would have punished good faith actors. SB 176 failed on bipartisan lines, but the bill sponsors are attempting to pass a similar measure in the 2022 session.
Colorado Chamber members recognize that our current workplace harassment laws could be better defined to protect workers and provide clear guidelines for employers. The Chamber has organized a coalition of businesses who are working with lawmakers on a balanced, bipartisan solution to the issue.
Alternative Transportation Options Coalition
What started out as a failed regulatory effort to mandate a reduction of workers commuting to work in their own personal vehicles took the form of a legislative effort in the 2022 session. The original proposal, called ETRP (Employee Trip Reduction Program), prompted the Colorado Chamber to build a unified voice of both employers and employees opposed to the mandate. The measure quickly died after backlash from the public.
Two bills were filed this year in response to the regulatory effort – HB 1138 and HB 1026. The Chamber opposed HB 1138, which took a similar approach to mandates on employers by requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to provide alternative transportation to employees. That bill failed in the House after a successful effort from the coalition.
The Chamber and its coalition supports HB 1026, which creates a tax credit incentive for businesses to provide alternative transportation options without the problematic mandates. The Chamber’s coalition will continue to engage on this bill as it moves through the legislature.