What We’re Watching: SB 5

  It’s the first week of the 2025 state legislative session and major developments for the business community are already underway. As the Colorado Chamber does every legislative session, we are beginning our weekly “What We’re Watching” updates to highlight bills that are important for the business community to follow. This week, we’re focusing on […]

Colorado Chamber Welcomes New Team Members and Staff Changes

As the Colorado Chamber of Commerce continues to evolve and grow, please join us in welcoming the newest members of our team to kick off 2025! Lo Leeman joined the Colorado Chamber’s membership department last month as the organization’s new director of investor relations. She will be engaging with members in ways to help them value their […]

Commemorating January’s Milestones: Recognizing Our Members of 5 and 10+ Years

The Colorado Chamber would like to take a moment to acknowledge the unwavering support of our long-standing members who have been with us for 5 and 10+ years this January. Their dedication to the Colorado Chamber of Commerce has been instrumental in our continued growth and success. We extend our appreciation to the following members […]

Sign Up to Sponsor a Chamber Policy Council Meeting

As the 2025 legislative session approaches, the Colorado Chamber invites you to play an active role in shaping the policies that impact businesses across our state. By participating in the Chamber’s policy councils, you have a unique opportunity to bring your expertise to the table, influence legislation and regulations, and help shape Colorado’s business environment. […]

Last chance to join Leadership Colorado 2025!

If you’re looking to learn more about Colorado business with the program that does it best, don’t wait to apply to Leadership Colorado – applications close on Friday, December 20th! We believe that on-site, immersive learning with a group of new colleagues is the best way to gain a true understanding of Colorado’s business landscape […]

In the News: Colorado Chamber Press Roundup

Colorado Politics: Colorado Gov Jared Polis rescinds 200 ‘unnecessary, outdated, wasteful, obsolete’ executive orders Both caucuses pointed to Colorado’s reputation as one of the nation’s most highly-regulated states. The Colorado Chamber of Commerce estimated this week that, by year’s end, Colorado will move from 12th to sixth most regulated state in the country. Read More… Colorado Politics: […]

Kick Off the Legislative Session with the Colorado Chamber

40+ Confirmed Legislators – And More to Come! Speaker of the House Julie McCluskie Senator Mark Baisley Senator Jeff Bridges Senator Janet Buckner Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer Senator Larry Liston Senator Byron Pelton Senator Janice Rich Senator Dylan Roberts Senator Cleave Simpson Senator-elect Scott Bright Senator-elect Lisa Frizell Senator-elect Marc Snyder Representative Ryan Armagost Representative Shannon Bird Representative Mary Bradfield Representative Regina English Representative Meg Froelich Representative Eliza Hamrick Representative Anthony Hartsook Representative Sheila Leider Representative William Lindstedt Representative Meghan Lukens […]

In the News: Colorado Chamber Press Roundup

11 News: Gov. Polis ‘cuts away’ more than 200 Colorado Executive Orders in government efficiency effort As governor, I can do this with Executive Orders, but for the legislature to get rid of old laws, it takes them passing it through both chambers,” Polis explained. “So, we are looking to forward to working with the Colorado […]

Chamber Files for Party Status Regulation 30 – Air Toxics Rules

The Chamber filed for party status in the CDPHE Regulation 30 (new rule) Air Toxics Regulations noticed in October for a January rulemaking. The Air Division must set up to five priority air toxics and has chosen Acrolein, Benzene, Chromium Compounds (Hexavalent), Hydrogen Sulfide and Ethelyne Oxide. The Chamber has filed for also supported a […]