Battle with business heats up over Colorado Democrats’ family-leave proposal

Loren Furman, Senior Vice President of State & Federal Relations, and Brooke Colaizzi, Colorado Chamber member, discuss the family leave proposal with the Colorado Sun By Jennifer Brown for the Colorado Sun Democrats who want paid maternity and medical leave for all Colorado workers have met behind the scenes for months with the state’s top […]

Colorado Employers Statement on SB 188 FAMLI Committee Hearing

For media inquiries, contact Cynthia Meyer at [email protected] DENVER – Senate Bill 188, the Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) bill, is currently being heard this afternoon in the State Senate. As of last night and this morning, state government agencies, schools, city and county governments, the House Chamber and the Denver International Airport all […]

Previous Costly Family Leave Bills Have Failed on Bi-Partisan Votes

The Colorado Chamber of Commerce has been monitoring Senate Bill 188, the Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) bill, which will receive its first committee hearing this afternoon. The bill requires all public and private sector employers and workers to participate in and finance a family and medical leave program that would be administered by the […]

‘FAMLI’ legislation: Beware consequences of one-size-fits-all mandate

Op-Ed by Loren Furman for The issue of paid family leave is once again making its way through the Colorado legislature. Senate Bill 188, the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program, known as FAMLI, was introduced March 7. Employers in Colorado have long supported workers who may want to take leave from work for […]

House Committee Advances Local-Option Minimum-Wage Increase Bill

The House Transportation and Local Government Committee this afternoon amended and approved HB 1210, a bill that would allow local governments to unilaterally increase the minimum wage above that of the state minimum wage. The committee adopted an amendment that allows a county and the municipalities within the county to enter into an intergovernmental agreement […]

Denver Biz Journal: Here’s what is in the paid-family-leave bill coming this week at the Colorado Legislature

By Ed Sealover  – Reporter, Denver Business Journal Legislative Democrats will introduce a retooled paid-family-leave bill later this week that requires businesses to pay half the cost of a proposed mandatory statewide program and to reinstate anyone taking as many as 16 weeks of leave to the same position when they return to work. Business leaders have engaged […]