
Tell Your Senator to OPPOSE Forced Union Dues, Support Worker Choice

A bill that would overturn major provisions of Colorado’s labor laws is scheduled to be heard in the Colorado Senate on Thursday, February 13.

Like all states, Colorado workers are allowed to form a labor union if 50% of the workers plus one in a company vote to do so. But in Colorado, a second vote of at least 75% to give unions the right to approve mandatory dues for non-union members.

Senate Bill 5 would eliminate that second step that currently protects worker choice.

Workers deserve the protections provided by that second vote, and they deserve a say in how and where they spend their hard-earned paychecks. Jobs and livelihoods shouldn’t be put at risk because a worker chooses not to pay dues into a union.

Coloradans recognize that SB 5 isn’t about supporting workers – according to a recent poll, seven-in-ten Colorado voters say they oppose the changes laid out in the bill.

Using the tool below, tell your state Senator to support the rights of workers to control their own paychecks and OPPOSE SB 5!