This week, the Colorado Chamber’s Heath Care Council held its first meeting of the 2025 legislative session to review and take positions on multiple bills. The group was joined by Senator Lindsey Daugherty, a member of the Senate Health & Human Services Committee, who shared her priorities and outlook for the health care landscape this session.
The Colorado Chamber took positions on the following bills:
SB 045: Opposed
The bill would require the Colorado School of Public Health to analyze draft model legislation for implementing a single-payer, nonprofit, publicly financed, and privately delivered universal health-care payment system for Colorado that directly compensates providers. The Colorado Chamber has long been opposed to mandates that will increase costs on health care industries, employers, and their employees. While the bill is presented as a study, it appears to have a predetermined outcome with which our organization disagrees.
SB 048: Opposed
The bill would require private insurance companies to provide coverage for the treatment of the chronic disease of obesity and the treatment of pre-diabetes through various methods. The Colorado Chamber opposed the bill as it would lead to an increased cost in insurance premiums for employers placing an undue burden on businesses.