
Job Killer Alert: Costly Environmental Bill in Committee

Job-killing bills continue to move through the state legislature and the Colorado Chamber of Commerce is working to mobilize opposition to keep Colorado competitive.

On Thursday, March 7, HB 1330 will be heard in the House Energy & Environment Committee. This bill would add layers of new complex regulations to obtain environmental and construction permits, intentionally creating costly barriers to industry. It would make Colorado’s already-problematic permitting system even worse, creating red tape that will deter economic growth and drive companies out of Colorado.

In a recent survey done by the Colorado Chamber, almost half of business leaders (48%) identified the state’s regulatory climate as the top business concern. Mandating more rulemaking and moving the goal post on businesses yet again will keep Colorado on the wrong trajectory.

We want Colorado to be a leading state for businesses to invest and create jobs. HB 1330 and other job killers continue to threaten Colorado’s economic standing and our legislators need to hear this message loud and clear.

Please use the tool below to contact the House Energy & Environment Committee and ask them to OPPOSE House Bill 1330 to preserve Colorado jobs!

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