
Colorado Chamber’s Water Quality Subcommittee Meets to Discuss Legislation and Rulemakings Impacting Businesses

The Colorado Chamber’s Energy & Environment Council has several subcommittees within the council to cover specific issues. One of those is the Water Quality Subcommittee. The committee is made up of members from across industries that must comply with environmental and water regulations. It is chaired by Gabe Racz with Vranesh and Raisch, LLP.

The committee met on August 18, 2023, to discuss several issues that will impact Colorado’s business community. These include a potential new dredge and fill program at the state level that would require additional permitting, and a stakeholder process that will outline fee increases for industry to get water quality permits.

The Chamber is providing comments and feedback on the proposed dredge and fill program and was a lead party in amending the legislation that created the process to work on water quality fees. We are continuing our work on both issues because it is extremely important to the affected businesses that these regulatory changes be efficient and cost effective. The Chamber is voicing that need and will continue to work with the necessary department to ensure the business community is heard. For any questions or concerns, please contact Meghan Dollar, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and Political Operations ([email protected]).