
Colorado Chamber Recognizes a Legislative Rockstar: Sharon Martin!

We are incredibly fortunate to have Colorado Chamber of Commerce members who dedicate their time to the Chamber and its members during the Legislative Session. One of those individuals is Sharon Martin, the Chief Financial Officer of Rocky Mountain Natural Meats.

Sharon has over 30 years of experience working in accounting, auditing, and human resources – most of which coming from within the agriculture industry. We at the Chamber are lucky that she’s brought that knowledge to our Labor & Employment Council where she is an active participant and provides important and thoughtful feedback. Not only is she an incredible resource, but she took the time to testify on some of the most important legislation of the legislative session, HB 23-1118, Fair Workweek. Sharon testified to the significant consequences of such legislation. Stories like hers are why the CO Chamber was successful in defeating or amending legislation impacting labor and employment in Colorado.

In addition to her help on the legislative side, we also appreciate her support of the Chamber’s Leadership Colorado Program and her partnership in the Chamber events throughout the year.

A HUGE THANK YOU to Sharon for her commitment to protecting the interests of businesses and employees in Colorado.