Colorado Capitol Report

Colorado Chamber Presents to Legislative Task Force on Challenges Employers are Facing

Colorado Chamber Presents to Legislative Task Force on Challenges Employers are Facing

The Legislative Task Force on Economy Recovery heard from Loren Furman, Senior VP of Governmental Affairs, Colorado Chamber, and other members of the business community on the challenges employers have been facing and that are threatening the State’s long-term economic recovery.

Based on surveys of Chamber members, Furman shared the challenges raised by employers statewide regarding the continued labor shortage and the consequences due to shortages including business closures, increased costs for consumers and reduced services and hours.  Furman also raised concerns about the unemployment insurance premium increases that will impact all employers due to the $1 billion deficit of the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund and thousands of fraudulent claims.

The responsibility of the bi-partisan Task Force is to recommend how the remaining federal stimulus funds that Colorado received will be spent.  Furman emphasized the importance of using those funds to backfill the huge deficit of the Trust Fund so that employers won’t be penalized through tax increases based on government restrictions or shut-downs imposed on them beginning in March 2020.  The Task Force will issue its recommendations by December 17, 2021.

We would encourage you to contact members of the Task Force to encourage the use of federal stimulus funds to backfill the UI Trust Fund deficit.  Please contact Loren Furman at [email protected] with any questions.

Upcoming Policy Council Meetings

Labor & Employment Council

Date:  November 9th
Time:  Noon – 1:15p.m.

Guest speakers:  Jeffrey Reister, Legislative Director, Attorney General’s Office & Attorneys Victoria E Edwards and Derrick L. Maultsby Jr. from the Law Firm of Jackson Kelly

Topics:  New data privacy law and potential 2022 employment legislation

Health Care Council

Date:  November 11th
Time:  Noon – 1:15p.m.

Topics: Update on public insurance program rulemaking & potential 2022 healthcare legislation

These meetings will be held in person at the Colorado Chamber office and a Zoom option will also be available.  Please contact Laura Moss at [email protected] to RSVP to participate in person or via Zoom.

Colorado Chamber Responds to Workforce Shortages

Colorado Chamber of Commerce members have expressed the significant challenges they are experiencing in filling job opportunities for their operations. Despite offering high wages and benefits, businesses across the State continue to experience this problem which remains one of the biggest challenges for jump starting Colorado’s economy.

In response, the Colorado Chamber will be promoting its members’ job opportunities on its website, social media and through other resources.  If your company would like the Colorado Chamber to promote the opportunities your company is offering, please notify Laura Moss at [email protected] with a link to your career or job opportunity page or if you have any questions!