Colorado Capitol Report

Tell Lawmakers to Oppose the Public Option

Tell Lawmakers to Oppose the Public Option

House Bill 1232, the Colorado public health insurance option proposal, was heard in committee last week after hours of testimony. The bill would create a government-run public option if the health care sector doesn’t independently meet sweeping cost reduction targets over the next few years.

We’re concerned that this proposal will result in a significant cost-shift for employer-sponsored health care plans, making it more expensive for businesses to provide these benefits to their employees.

Discussions are set to continue in committee next week. Will you tell members of the committee to oppose HB 1232? Contact members of the House Health & Insurance Committee using our simple tool here.

Award-Winning Diversity Equity & Inclusion Program Offered to Colorado Business

Are you ready to talk about inclusion in your organization? Let Colorado REACH help you guide the conversation.…

The Colorado Chamber is proud to partner with Colorado REACH to offer members of the Colorado Chamber an opportunity to experience BREAKING ICE—the award-winning diversity equity and inclusion program for business.

Through a series of dynamic scenes, audiences explore how systemic inequities, implicit biases and common misperceptions show up in relationships and in the workplace. The performance is followed by facilitated break outs.

Register here or contact Lauren Schwartz at the Chamber to learn how your company can get involved: (303) 866-9643

Thursday, April 22
3-4:30 p.m. REGISTER HERE