In this Capitol Report:
Chambers of Commerce Ask Congress for Liability Protection, 501(c)6 PPP Expansion
As Congress continues to work towards a second COVID-19 relief package, state chambers across the country are asking for several provisions to help businesses get through these challenging times.
The top concern identified by Colorado Chamber members in recent surveys is federal liability protection. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has put together an outreach tool to ask your members of Congress to support targeted, temporary liability relief. You can find that tool here.
Another major concern from Colorado Chamber members, particularly from local chambers of commerce, is the issue of expanding the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to 501(c)6 organizations – which is a unique nonprofit tax classification for chambers. 501(c)6 nonprofits have been left out of federal COVID relief packages so far, and you can ask your member of Congress to include them here.