
SOLD OUT-Legislative Candidate Endorsement Reception

Location: Four Seasons Denver, Cottonwood Ballroom, Second Floor

Address: 1111 14th St, Denver, CO 80202

Fees/Admission: $625 PAC contribution for one guest (per company) for candidate interviews and reception (+$50 per additional reception guest); $150 for Individual for reception only (non-PAC donor)


2022 will mark our inaugural year of launching the Colorado Chamber Candidate Endorsement Reception, designed to bring together the Colorado business community, legislative candidates who have received the coveted Colorado Chamber endorsement, and officials from across the state to celebrate and promote candidates who will support the interests of businesses and help ensure that Colorado will be the best State for business! This is an opportunity to meet the next state leaders to serve in the Legislature that the Colorado Chamber has endorsed in the 2022 Primary and General Election.

This reception is our premier fundraising event and by being a member of the Chamber’s Political Program, members can also participate in our legislative candidate interview process in July 2022.

Co-Reception Sponsors

  • ATT Flat Logo 3.31.16
  • LM-logo-Blue 4.4.2023

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