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Colorado Sun: Colorado would become second state to limit when workers can be fired under union-backed ballot measure

Colorado would become the second “just-cause employment” state in the U.S. should a measure proposed by state union leaders make the 2026 ballot and pass.

Initiative 43 would prohibit companies with more than eight employees from firing or suspending a worker without just cause, which is defined in the measure as substandard performance, material neglect, repeated policy violation and gross insubordination. Conviction of a crime of “moral turpitude” — like murder, kidnapping and sexual assault — and an employer’s financial instability would also constitute just cause under the initiative.

“We have made good faith offers to try and find a pathway to improve SB 5, but all of those proposals have been rejected by labor groups,” Colorado Chamber President and CEO Loren Furman said in a written statement.

Read more here.