
In the News: Colorado Chamber Press Roundup

Colorado Sun: Colorado identifies its top five toxic air contaminants. Next comes rules to regulate them.
The Colorado Chamber of Commerce, the Colorado Oil and Gas Association, the American Petroleum Institute and Weld County commissioners all argued that the process was too stripped of context to make informed decisions. Weld County argued for a more “holistic” approach to the decision process, and urged the commission not to get “caught up” in the step-by-step deadlines.
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Colorado Sun: With Biden-era consumer protections in jeopardy, Colorado Democrats look to crack down on rental housing fees
The Colorado Chamber of Commerce won’t take a formal position on the junk fee bill until after it’s introduced. But in a statement, the group’s lobbyist Meghan Dollar said the chamber is “concerned about the broad scope of sectors impacted and the potential for increased legal liability for employers.”
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CPR: This climate coalition wants Colorado union jobs to power the switch away from fossil
The Colorado Chamber supports the rights of workers to control their own paychecks, and we stand with the vast majority of Coloradans in opposition to SB 5,” wrote Colorado Chamber of Commerce CEO Loren Furman in a statement about the bill.
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